Mozzi  version v2.0
sound synthesis library for Arduino
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CADSRA simple ADSR envelope generator
 CAudioDelayAudio delay line for comb filter, flange, chorus and short echo effects
 CAudioDelayFeedbackAudio delay line with feedback for comb filter, flange, chorus and short echo effects
 CAutoMapAutomatically map an input value to an output range without knowing the precise range of inputs beforehand
 CAutoRangeKeeps a running calculation of the range of the input values it receives
 CCapPollA class for reading voltage on a digital pin, derived from
 CCircularBufferCircular buffer object
 CControlDelayControl-rate delay line for delaying control signals
 CDCfilterA DC-blocking filter useful for highlighting changes in control signals
 CEadExponential attack decay envelope
 CEventDelayA non-blocking replacement for Arduino's delay() function
 CInt2TypeEnables you to instantiate a template based on an integer value
 CIntegerTypeProvides appropriate integer types that can bit the given number of bytes on this platform (at most 64)
 CIntegerType< 1 >
 CIntegerType< 2 >
 CIntegerType< 4 >
 CIntegerType< 8 >
 CIntMapA faster version of Arduino's map() function
 CLineFor linear changes with a minimum of calculation at each step
 CLine< SFix< NI, NF > >
 CLine< UFix< NI, NF > >
 CLine< unsigned char >
 CLine< unsigned int >
 CLine< unsigned long >
 CMetaOscilMetaOscil is a wrapper for several Oscil
 CMetronomeA metronome class which is like an EventDelay which retriggers itself when the delay time is up, to produce a repeating beat
 CMonoOutputThis struct encapsulates one frame of mono audio output
 CMultiResonantFilterA generic filter for audio signals that can produce lowpass, highpass, bandpass and notch outputs at runtime
 COscilOscil plays a wavetable, cycling through the table to generate an audio or control signal
 COverSampleEnables the resolution of analog inputs to be increased by oversampling and decimation
 CPDResonantPDResonant is a simple midi instrument using Phase distortion used to simulate resonant filter, based on
 CPhasorPhasor repeatedly generates a high resolution ramp at a variable frequency
 CPortamentoA simple portamento (pitch slide from one note to the next) effect, useful for note-based applications
 CRCpollA class for reading voltage on a digital pin, derived from
 CResonantFilterA generic resonant filter for audio signals
 CReverbTankA reverb which sounds like the inside of a tin can
 CRollingAverageCalculates a running average over a specified number of the most recent readings
 CRollingStatWARNING: this class is work in progress, don't use it yet
 CSampleSample is like Oscil, it plays a wavetable
 CSampleHuffmanA sample player for samples encoded with Huffman compression
 CSmoothA simple infinite impulse response low pass filter for smoothing control or audio signals
 CSmooth< SFix< NI, NF > >
 CSmooth< UFix< NI, NF > >
 CStackA simple stack, used internally for keeping track of analog input channels as they are read
 CStateVariableState Variable Filter (approximation of Chamberlin version) Informed by pseudocode at and
 CStereoOutputThis struct encapsulates one frame of mono audio output
 CWaveFolderA simple wavefolder
 CWavePacketWavepacket synthesis, with two overlapping streams of wave packets
 CWavePacketSampleA WavePacket which allows a custom table to be set as the audio source for the wavepackets (or grains)
 CWaveShaperWaveShaper maps values from its input to values in a table, which are returned as output
 CWaveShaper< char >Int8_t specialisation of WaveShaper template
 CWaveShaper< int >Int specialisation of WaveShaper template