version v2.0
sound synthesis library for Arduino
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level
Hardware and configuration
Mozzi works on many different platforms, but not the same output modes are available on all hardware
Mozzi on classic Arduino, Teensy 2.x, Arduino Mega, and other 8 bit "AVR"/ATMEGA architecture boards
Mozzi on ESP32-based boards.
Port by Dieter Vandoren, Thomas Friedrichsmeier and Thomas Combriat
Mozzi on ESP8266-based boards.
Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
Mozzi on MBED-based boards (Arduino Giga / Portenta).
Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier & Thomas Combriat
Mozzi on Arduino Uno R4 - Renesas.
Port by Thomas Combriat
Mozzi on RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico)
Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
Mozzi on SAMD21 based boards (Arduino Circuitplayground M0 and others)
Port by Adrian Freed
Mozzi on STM32duino-based boards.
Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
Mozzi on STM32-boards with libmaple based core.
Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
Mozzi on STM32-based boards - disambiguation
Mozzi on Teensy 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.4/3.5/LC boards.
Port by Tim Barrass
Mozzi on Teensy 4.x boards.
Port by Thomas Combriat
Getting Started
You are currently looking at the Mozzi API documentation
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