Mozzi  version v2.0
sound synthesis library for Arduino
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 Hardware and configurationMozzi works on many different platforms, but not the same output modes are available on all hardware
 Mozzi on classic Arduino, Teensy 2.x, Arduino Mega, and other 8 bit "AVR"/ATMEGA architecture boards
 Mozzi on ESP32-based boards.Port by Dieter Vandoren, Thomas Friedrichsmeier and Thomas Combriat
 Mozzi on ESP8266-based boards.Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
 Mozzi on MBED-based boards (Arduino Giga / Portenta).Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier & Thomas Combriat
 Mozzi on Arduino Uno R4 - Renesas.Port by Thomas Combriat
 Mozzi on RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico)Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
 Mozzi on SAMD21 based boards (Arduino Circuitplayground M0 and others)Port by Adrian Freed
 Mozzi on STM32duino-based boards.Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
 Mozzi on STM32-boards with libmaple based core.Port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier
 Mozzi on STM32-based boards - disambiguation
 Mozzi on Teensy 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.4/3.5/LC boards.Port by Tim Barrass
 Mozzi on Teensy 4.x boards.Port by Thomas Combriat
 Getting StartedYou are currently looking at the Mozzi API documentation