Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
ADSR.h | |
AudioDelay.h | |
AudioDelayFeedback.h | |
AudioOutput.h | |
AutoMap.h | |
AutoRange.h | |
blahblah4b_int8.h | |
CapPoll.h | |
CircularBuffer.h | |
config_checks_avr.h | |
config_checks_esp32.h | |
config_checks_esp8266.h | |
config_checks_generic.h | |
config_checks_mbed.h | |
config_checks_renesas.h | |
config_checks_rp2040.h | |
config_checks_samd21.h | |
config_checks_stm32duino.h | |
config_checks_stm32maple.h | |
config_checks_teensy.h | |
config_checks_template.h | |
config_example_avr_hifi.h | |
config_example_avr_legacy_standard_mode.h | |
config_example_avr_legacy_standardplus_mode.h | |
config_example_avr_stereo.h | |
config_example_external.h | |
config_example_rp2040_i2s_pt8211_mono.h | |
config_example_rp2040_pwm.h | |
ControlDelay.h | |
DCfilter.h | |
disable_2pinmode_on_github_workflow.h | |
disable_stereo_on_github_workflow.h | |
Ead.h | |
EventDelay.h | |
hardware_defines.h | |
IntegerType.h | |
IntMap.h | |
known_16bit_timers.h | |
Line.h | |
LowPassFilter.h | |
meta.h | |
MetaOscil.h | |
Metronome.h | |
Mozzi.h | This is the main include file in Mozzi |
mozzi_analog.h | |
mozzi_config_documentation.h | |
mozzi_fixmath.cpp | |
mozzi_fixmath.h | |
mozzi_macros.h | |
mozzi_midi.h | |
mozzi_pgmspace.h | |
mozzi_rand.h | |
mozzi_rand_p.h | |
mozzi_utils.h | |
MozziConfigValues.h | This file keeps a list of named configuration values |
MozziGuts.h | |
MozziGuts.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_AVR.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_ESP32.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_ESP8266.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_MBED.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_RENESAS.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_RENESAS_ADC.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_RENESAS_analog.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_RP2040.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_SAMD.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_STM32.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_STM32duino.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_STM32duino_analog.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_TEENSY.hpp | |
MozziGuts_impl_template.hpp | Template for implementation of new ports |
MozziHeadersOnly.h | This file provides declarations of the Mozzi Core Functions Mozzi functions, but no implementation |
mult16x16.h | |
mult16x8.h | |
mult32x16.h | |
Oscil.h | |
OverSample.h | |
PDResonant.h | |
Phasor.h | |
Portamento.h | |
primes.h | |
RCpoll.h | |
ResonantFilter.h | |
ReverbTank.h | |
RollingAverage.h | |
RollingStat.h | |
Sample.h | |
SampleHuffman.h | |
Skeleton_Multi_Unit2.cpp | |
Smooth.h | |
Stack.h | |
StateVariable.h | |
teensyPinMap.h | |
twi_nonblock.h | |
twi_nonblock.hpp | |
umpah_huff.h | |
WaveFolder.h | |
WavePacket.h | |
WavePacketSample.h | |
WaveShaper.h | |